Wednesday, November 19, 2014

FAQs and Answers about Cranial Manipulation for Infants

Any time you are considering a procedure for your child, even one that can be beneficial, like cranial manipulation for infants, it is your duty to perform the necessary research. 

FAQ: Babies don't get stressed, why do they need cranial manipulation?
A: The birthing process is one of the most stressful events we will ever experience. We don't remember it, but our bodies must go through a great amount of physical stress in order to pass through the birth canal. While babies are naturally formed to handle this stress with their incomplete and soft bones, there can be some residual issues that don't heal on their own because of the compression.

FAQ: How do I know if my baby needs this type of therapy?
A: It is worth speaking with an osteopathic doctor about cranial manipulation for infants if you notice any number of problems with your child. Issues with sleeping, eating (including unusual reflux), constipation, failure to thrive, misshapen head, or colic could be addressed and reversed by simply and gently manipulating baby's body back into the correct form. Soft tissues, nerves, muscles, and bones all work together and when one or several are out of place, baby could be hurting or unable to grow properly.

FAQ: Will the therapy hurt my baby?
A: An osteopathic doctor specifically trained in cranial manipulation for infants will be able to perform the safe and highly gentle therapeutic manipulation so baby can be healthy. Light pressure will be applied in specific points to help baby's body regain its natural shape and release the tension.

FAQ: Are there any side effects from the therapy?
A: As with any procedure, results vary between patients. Baby might cry a little or be unsettled for a short period after the procedure as they get accustomed to their new adjustments. In most cases, baby is either immediately soothed or gets a sudden burst of energy because they feel good with the pressure released. Almost always, baby sleeps extremely well after cranial manipulation for infants.

If you would like to learn more about cranial manipulation for infantsin Austin, visit Tamara McReynolds, D.O.

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