Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Osteopathic Treatment Options for Baby Colic

Unfortunately, baby colic is a common condition. While there are still questions about what exactly causes it, hundreds of babies around the country suffer from long periods of crying with no explanation. It is just as upsetting for parents that feel unable to soothe their little one as it is for the baby. While the symptoms usually disappear in a matter of weeks, it is still a stressful time period, and it can last longer. Osteopathic manipulation is a holistic approach that could help and is worth investigating.

Baby colic can be difficult to diagnose, but most medical professionals stick to the rule of threes, symptoms that last at least three hours a day, three days a week, for three weeks or more. Symptoms usually include inconsolable crying, upset stomach, gas, discomfort, and general irritability. Before the doctor will make the diagnosis, they will rule out all other possible causes.

Often, treatment is difficult because the cause of the trauma is not always known. Some believe that osteopathic manipulation can best help baby colic. The birthing process is highly stressful and requires a great amount of pressure on baby's muscles, bones, and organs. While the soft tissues and bones are intended to go through the birth canal, sometimes they don't return to their normal shape. This is especially true for fast births or those that used forceps. The compressed musculoskeletal structures could be the cause of the pain and trouble for baby.

Through extremely gentle and specific manipulations, a trained osteopathic doctor can help massage baby's body back to its intended form. This could help relieve the symptoms of baby colic, as the body heals and begins to function properly. While only a professional in osteopathy can make a proper evaluation, it could be worth saving frustration and pain on your part and on baby's to seek council about osteopathic treatment.

If you would like to learn more about baby colic in the Austin area, visit Tamara McReynolds, D.O.

5 Signs of Concussion and What to Do About Them

Head injuries are no joke and even a small bump to the head can end up needing treatment and concussion recovery measures. If any of the signs of concussion appear after any type of head trauma, it is recommended that immediate medical attention be sought, even if some of the side effects don't manifest until hours after the incident. A medical professional can provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan to help the brain tissue and body heal, such as rest, therapy, or osteopathic manipulation.

1. Head trauma
One of the first signs that a person could have a concussion is that they experienced some sort of head trauma. Obvious situations, like automobile accidents or something large hitting the head are often treated in enough time. The trouble is when an accident is thought to be minor, such as hitting the head on a cabinet door or other kind of obstruction. After these situations, it is important to pay close attention for any further signs.

2. Physical issues
Most people know to watch out for nausea, vomiting, or headaches. However, a number of physical issues can present as the result of head trauma and merit steps for concussion recovery. Problems with maintaining balance, general dizziness, blurred or fuzzy vision, or even a noticeable sensitivity to light or noise should excite further measures.

3. Emotional problems
Sometimes, the physical issues aren't as noticeable as the emotional ones. If the mood is altered, then a medical professional should be seen. The patient might be unusually sad, angry, or overly emotional for seemingly no reason. They also might appear anxious or nervous.

4. Sleep trouble
If the trauma victim experiences trouble with sleep, it is a sign of concussion and they should attempt to find a process for concussion recovery. This can manifest in sleeping more or less than usual, having a difficult time falling asleep, or a general feeling of being tired with no energy.

5. Cognitive concerns
Some of the most disturbing signs of concussion are cognitive. These are typically associated with severe trauma, which leads to swelling and impaired brain function. A feeling of everything being in slow motion, an inability to think clearly or concentrate, or memory loss are serious symptoms that need to be addressed quickly. If the patient is unconscious, they should be rushed to the nearest emergency room.

If you would like to learn more about concussion recovery in Georgetown, click here.

FAQs and Answers about Cranial Manipulation for Infants

Any time you are considering a procedure for your child, even one that can be beneficial, like cranial manipulation for infants, it is your duty to perform the necessary research. 

FAQ: Babies don't get stressed, why do they need cranial manipulation?
A: The birthing process is one of the most stressful events we will ever experience. We don't remember it, but our bodies must go through a great amount of physical stress in order to pass through the birth canal. While babies are naturally formed to handle this stress with their incomplete and soft bones, there can be some residual issues that don't heal on their own because of the compression.

FAQ: How do I know if my baby needs this type of therapy?
A: It is worth speaking with an osteopathic doctor about cranial manipulation for infants if you notice any number of problems with your child. Issues with sleeping, eating (including unusual reflux), constipation, failure to thrive, misshapen head, or colic could be addressed and reversed by simply and gently manipulating baby's body back into the correct form. Soft tissues, nerves, muscles, and bones all work together and when one or several are out of place, baby could be hurting or unable to grow properly.

FAQ: Will the therapy hurt my baby?
A: An osteopathic doctor specifically trained in cranial manipulation for infants will be able to perform the safe and highly gentle therapeutic manipulation so baby can be healthy. Light pressure will be applied in specific points to help baby's body regain its natural shape and release the tension.

FAQ: Are there any side effects from the therapy?
A: As with any procedure, results vary between patients. Baby might cry a little or be unsettled for a short period after the procedure as they get accustomed to their new adjustments. In most cases, baby is either immediately soothed or gets a sudden burst of energy because they feel good with the pressure released. Almost always, baby sleeps extremely well after cranial manipulation for infants.

If you would like to learn more about cranial manipulation for infantsin Austin, visit Tamara McReynolds, D.O.

Friday, October 17, 2014

How to Know When To Seek Treatment for Hip Pain

When hip pain becomes a regular part of life, or manifests often, it should be addressed. It is important to keep in good communication with your doctor and know your body. As we age, the major joints naturally deteriorate. Sometimes, injury or unusual stress also plays a role. Whatever the cause, any time pain is experienced in the body, diagnosis and treatment options should be sought. It doesn't necessarily merit a rush to the emergency room, but making an appointment, or mentioning it in your next scheduled visit is important. Sometimes a doctor can suggest self-help methods or minimally invasive options, such as a holistic approach through osteopathy.

Common sense dictates that the fist step in alleviating hip pain is through self-help methods. If aching or pain in the hip is experienced, one of the best first approaches is to allow the joint to rest. The body often can heal itself with time taken to prevent further injury. Over-the-counter pain or anti-inflammatory medication can also sometimes do the trick to reduce the swelling and remove the discomfort. Sometimes stretching can also help. If those methods have little or no effect, then your doctor needs to know. They will be able to run the proper tests in order to provide a diagnosis and suggest a variety of treatment options.

Chronic or reoccurring hip pain can severely impact your quality of life. You may find yourself unable or unwilling to perform everyday activities in order to avoid the pain. Rather than reducing your lifestyle to accommodate for the milady and accepting the pain as normal, it is important to seek help. Many options exist before invasive treatments such as surgery should be considered. Osteopathic manipulation could be an option. An osteopathy will utilize methods of stretching, pressure, and massage to move the tendons and soft tissue around the joint, so the body can realign and heal. It is important to find the right treatment option, so you can get back to living your life.

If you would like to learn more about hip pain in Austin, visit Tamara McReynolds, D.O.

The New Mom's Guide to Baby Reflux

Baby reflux is the same that adults experience. It happens when partially digested food in the stomach, along with some acid, makes its way back up the esophagus, often out of the mouth. The condition in babies is commonly referred to as “spitting up.” It is highly common for babies and often clears on its own in the first year of life. However, for some children the reflux affects the baby's comfort, causing problems eating and sleeping and resulting in general irritability. This is understandable, due to the uncomfortable burning sensation of stomach acid in the esophagus. Although it can be a common occurrence in infants, you know your child and what is or is not normal. Trust your instincts and seek help for your baby if you think something is wrong.

Some home adjustments can be made to help reverse the severity of baby reflux, such as feeding baby more often with less amounts, so the stomach doesn't get too full. Baby might be having a reaction to the formula being used, so switching the brand or type could help. Another option is to feed baby partially sitting upright, so gravity helps keep contents in the stomach. Some parents have found that propping the head of the crib up, so the baby sleeps at an incline, can aid the situation. When abnormal amounts of reflux happens and no self-help methods at home have made a significant difference, then it is time to speak to a doctor for their medical opinion.

Depending on the situation, your doctor may suggest several options for baby reflux. Medications are typical. Tests to measure the acid levels in the stomach and the construction of the digestive tract could be used. Some choose to utilize osteopathy. Sometimes, the problem with the digestive tract was caused during the compression trauma of being cramped in the womb or being born, especially if there were complications. By assessing baby's body as a whole, a decision can be made for osteopathic manipulation treatment of the infant.

If you would like to learn more about baby reflux in Austin, click here.

Questions and Answers About Cranial Manipulation for Infants

The process of being born can be stressful for infants and their bodies. Cranial manipulation for infants is an option to help reverse the side effects of the compression resulting from birth. While there are many treatment options available, an Osteopath (DO) could help. Osteopathy is one of the few methods that is an acceptable treatment for all ages, from infancy through adulthood.

Q: Is cranial manipulation for infants safe?
The holistic modal of treating humans is safe for infants, provided that the Osteopath (DO) is well trained in the area. Simply do your due diligence and ask the doctor about their experience and credentials. As long as the DO is qualified, the procedure is not only safe, but can aid in a healthy infancy.

Q: Why use osteopathy on an infant?
Most people associate misalignment of the body, aches, and pains to aging. However, injury is also a cause. The birthing experience can be stressful on a baby's body. The compression of passing through a birth canal can cause the skull to push together and misshape. The body can become squeezed. The situation is compounded when forceps or other tools are used due to birth complications. Addressing the problem early through cranial manipulation for infants might prevent worse problems that could develop later in childhood and adulthood.

Q: What things can osteopathy help?
The treatment is holistic, meaning it considers the body as a whole to look for ways to return to health. Many issues not thought to be related could be helped through osteopathic manipulation. Some conditions that could be improved are sleep issues, flat or misshaped head, colic, restlessness, and failure to thrive. Problems with digestion, such as inability to suckle, constipation, and reflux can also be addressed.

Q: What happens during the treatment?
During cranial manipulation for infants, a DO will gently massage the bones, muscles, and tendons in the child's body. With a gentle touch, the body responds to being adjusted back into proper alignment for healing. Through techniques that involve pressure, stretching, and resistance, a careful physician can help the baby's body return to it's normal state.

If you would like to learn more about cranial manipulation for infants in Georgetown, visit Tamara McReynolds, D.O.

Monday, July 14, 2014

What You Can Do About Hip Pain

Anyone can suffer from hip pain, since many things can cause it. In most situations, it is due to the normal aging and wear and tear on the body. It is important to not let it keep you from doing daily activities and living your life. Keep in mind, though, that any pain should be shared with your doctor, to rule out serious conditions. Whether the hip pain is caused by arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, an injury, or simply fatigued muscles and joints, there are easy things to do to help alleviate the issue.
Often, exercise can help strengthen the body, to help. The entire musculoskeletal system can benefit from exercise. Bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons can all become stronger, helping the body work more efficiently and provide support. Focus on those exercises that promote strength in the core and legs. By improving the body mechanics of the stomach, back, and inner and outer thighs, you can help your body better support itself and take the strain off of the ligaments and joints in the hip.

The exercises don't have to be high impact activities. Slow, light resistance movements can provide a big help for hip pain. Working out in a swimming pool can do wonders, with the water both offering a light resistance and taking some of your body's weight off of the painful area. Even easy stretches can do wonders for soreness. An added benefit of a regular exercise routine is weight reduction, which can reduce the amount of strain put on sore hips every day.

Other non-invasive methods can help. Depending on the root cause of the pain, the application of cold or heat to the are can provide relief, such as with a steamy bath or cold packs. Osteopathy, which focuses on stretching and massaging the body to help it heal, is also a good option if you suffer from hip pain. The method takes the body as a whole into account, rather than simply treating localized symptoms.

If you would like to learn more about hip pain in the Austin, Texas, area, contact Dr. McReynolds.

5 Fact To Know About Costochondritis

Costochondritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the areas where the cartilage holds the ribs to the breastbone. It can be painful, especially when moving, but is not normally serious or lethal. However, if you are experiencing chest pains of any kind, be sure to see a doctor immediately, to rule out other, more serious conditions.

1. Explanation
Bones are support structures for the body and are rigid. Sometimes areas that contain bones need freedom to move. The body answers that problem with flexible cartilage used to bind bones together. The cartilage binding your ribs to your breastbone allow your chest to expand as you inhale. Costochondritis occurs when, due to injury or unknown reasons, the joints where the cartilage hold the breastbone and ribs together becomes inflamed.

2. At-risk
Anyone can get the disease. Some doctors believe that young adults and women may suffer more often from the inflammation, but it can also affect men and children. Those that have strenuous jobs or perform repetitive tasks using the upper body can put themselves at higher risk for the condition.

3. Causes
Costochondritis is sometimes caused by a traumatic event, resulting in inflammation due to injury to the ribs, breastbone, or cartilage in the chest. Fibromyalgia, a chronic condition that can cause body pain, can also cause it. However, it is not unusual for the condition to appear with no apparent cause.

4. Treatments
While it many times clears on its own, there are a number of ways to alleviate any associated pain. Pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication (both over the counter and prescription) could be prescribed. In extreme cases, steroids or anesthetic injections might be chosen by your doctor to help. Many times, patients find relief with the much less invasive methods, such as stretches, applying heat and cold, and osteopathic manipulation.

5. Prognosis
The outlook for costochondritis is typically good. The condition usually only lasts a few weeks by simply resting the affected area, and symptoms can be relieved with simple measures, since most cases are not severe. Often, the condition improves on its own and no longer affects the patient after a few months.

For more information about costochondritis in the Georgetown, Texas, area, click here.